News and events
About us
Virtual roundtable on the price of solar energy with legislators from Kenya
Historic Climate Change Bill passes in Nigeria
Policy options for mobilising investment in renewable energy mini-grids in Africa
Cooking with renewable energy in Africa
Virtual parliamentary roundtable on climate impacts in Uganda
Table ronde parlementaire virtuelle au Burkina Faso
Roundtable on climate threats in South Africa
Possibilités de politiques de mini-réseaux pour la République Démocratique du Congo
Table ronde parlementaire virtuelle au Bénin
Energy access and gender in Africa
How to advance sustainable transport policies in Africa?
Mauritania virtual parliamentary roundtable
Virtual roundtable with Egyptian legislators
Parliament of Uganda passes Climate Change Bill
Ghana virtual roundtable
Virtual parliamentary roundtable with Caribbean and African small island developing states
African Continental Power System Masterplan
Nigerian Climate Parliament group working at a ‘ferocious pace’ to tackle climate change
Zimbabwe’s Climate Parliament group agrees to accelerate transition to renewable energy
Kenya roundtable discusses how to accelerate the transition to renewable energy
African legislators discuss how green grids can accelerate the transition to renewable energy
Sierra Leone to create Climate Parliament Group to accelerate green transition
Climate Parliament group in Nigeria
Climate Parliament group in Algeria