Our supporters

Profound thanks go to the small group of individuals, foundations and donor agencies that have made the Climate Parliament possible. They include:
ClimateWorks Foundation
The Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) UK.
Environmental Defense Fund
Foundation for the Third Millennium
GIZ Senegal
Miriam and Ira D. Wallach Foundation
Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation
Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency
Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation
Wallace Global Fund
together with other kind individual donors.
Contributions are welcomed to our global efforts, to our work in a particular region, or to a specific aspect of our programme. Please contact us directly by emailing info [at] climateparl.net if you are interested in supporting our work.
Thanks are also due to the Massachusetts law firm Bulkley, Richardson and Gelinas for kindly providing pro bono legal advice.
The Climate Parliament also wishes to thank, for their support for our work on green grids:​
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Kindly supported by