On 7 December, the Climate Parliament organised a joint online meeting with a group of Algerian MPs to initiate contact and explore the possibilities of future collaboration.
In the course of 2022, the President of the National People's Assembly (APN) of Algeria Hon. Brahim Boughali announced the creation of a parliamentary network on environment and climate, which aims to strengthen the country’s efforts in the field of environmental protection.
The network will focus on the protection of the environment and the fight against the effects of climate change at both national and international levels. It convenes members of parliament from different political parties represented in the APN, as well as former MPs and experts on environment and climate, to attend this roundtable.
Our team presented the work of Climate Parliament and our achievements across Africa, emphasised the dire consequences of global warming which are already affecting all parts of the planet and the urgency to take collective action.
Three members of the Algerian People's Assembly, two of whom are part of this network, travelled to Luxor to attend the Forum organised by Climate Parliament and made commitments to accelerate and intensify their work on climate change at country level.
At the end of our joint meeting, the Algerian MPs asked to be more involved in any of our future activities, events and roundtables to get help with capacity building to take concrete action in their parliament.