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Pushing for a RE Committee in Odisha

A fifteen member delegation of MLAs from all parties* met the hon’ble Speaker of the Odisha Assembly and submitted a request to set up a subcommittee of Renewable Energy under the House Committee of Power Generation, Transmission and Distribution.

The Climate Parliament's network of MLAs in Odisha has been highlighting the need for such a Sub Committee, with a focus on the long-term plans, policies and initiatives on renewable energy required to give it a required direction and momentum that can upscale renewable energy deployment. This cross-party network of legislators committed to promote renewable energy as a pathway to energy security and low carbon development in Odisha, have emphasised on the need of setting up a Sub Committee on Renewable Energy under the House Committee on Power generation in Odisha legislative assembly. In the memorandum the MLAs have mentioned that the Sub committee shall have a focus on the long-term plans, policies and initiatives on renewable energy to give it a required direction and momentum that can upscale renewable energy deployment in the state. Such a step will lead to an increased focus on tapping the vast renewable energy potential and to support the required institutional development for carrying out inclusive development in Odisha.

The delegation under the leadership of Shri Amar Prasad satpathy also submitted a report titled ‘RE-Energising Odisha: An Assessment of Renewable Energy Policies, Challenges and Opportunities’, prepared jointly by an expert group and Climate Parliament, for the purpose of acceleration of renewable energy utilisation in the state, to ensure energy access, energy security and sustainable growth. The network of MLAs beleive that renewable energy presents a practical solution to address many key developmental issues for a state like Odisha. By constituting a Sub committee on renewable energy, a dedicated focus on the key issues on energy access, its availability & security can be given by a smaller yet informed sub group of the larger committee.

*The group was comprised of Shri Amar Prasad Satpathy, Shri K.V. Singhdeo, Shri Tara Prasad Bahinipati, Shri Chiranjeev Biswal, Shri Debasis Nayak, Shri Bhagirathi Badjena, Shri Sashi Bhusan Behera, Shri Laxman Munda, Dr Ramesh Ch Chaupattnaik, Shri Prafulla Majhi, Shri Jogesh Kumar Singh, Shri Sanjeev Kumar Sahoo, Shri Devendra Sharma, Shri Rajani kanta Singh, Shri Chandrasekhar Majhi and Shri Prasant Muduli.

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